Monday, January 29, 2007

No Control

Have you ever heard another mother's horror story and thought to yourself, "How could they allow something like that to happen, I would NEVER." Well, I have been cursed for ever thinking that way. Ms. Mal decided that it was time to trade in long straight locks for something a little more trendy. She found the "icky sticky junk drawer" scissors and gave "layering" a whirl. Luckily, the layers she created were below the ears. It was easy enough to see a line to cut up too. There are definately some spots that were not fixable without going with a chin length bob but hard to tell from a distance. Funny thing is, it is actually quite darlin'. Don't worry, I didn't say, "good job Mal" she did still get some very stern "No's" and "We don't do that's" But, all in all, I am glad she did it. I like it and I am certain I wouldn't have been brave enough on my own for the change. It all happened so fast too, up stairs for a minute and a complete makeover had been performed. Impressive!!!




Is in the eye of the beholder.....
(The BFI holder that is) I was taking out the garbage one COLD thursday morning. Man, I used to hate this task. It wasn't until I saw the most beautiful thing in the sky that I thought, "take NOTHING for granted, not even taking out the trash" Look what I would of missed. The really cool part of it was, that it was coming up right behind David's house the day he was discharged from the U.