Monday, April 02, 2007

Music Meme

My friend Tammy does lots of fun things on her blog. Makes fun lists, has fun links and does fun pictures......So, I decided to join in. You guys are probably getting a little bored with me. So, here goes my first attempt for something a little different. She had a list of her favorite songs. 7 of them. Here are mine. In no particular order (of course)

1.) Snooze by Go Fish. Blake has me sing this song to him every night. How can it not be a favorite? Love the words. By the way, I do not do a solo. I sing along with the cd. For anyone that has heard me sing I am sure you are thankful for that.

2.) Bed of Nails by Alice Cooper. No explanation. Just love it. Don't know why.

3.) Can't take my eyes off you by Damian Rice. I used to listen to this song over and over and over again. After awhile the kids started to like it too, and slowly memorized all the words. (Yes, all 6 of them) So now we sing it and add peoples names. Be certian that your name was probably inserted once we don't miss many people. " I can't take my eyes off of you -insert name here-

4.) Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol

5.) Anything off of the Buckcherry cd. Love the song "Crazy Bi***" Not a very nice family friendly song but a good one none the less. After I listened to the whole cd I found I like lots of the songs. "Everything" and "Next to you" Good ones too.

6.) Yellow by Coldplay

7.) Uggh. Cant decide. This is why I dont do this fun stuff. It stresses me out. What if I forgot about a really good song. Can't handle this kind of pressure. I am gonna let you wait for number 7. The 2 last ones I have written down I don't think quite qualify for a favorite slot. Maybe I will just leave it at 6. My 6 favorites. How's that? I might try to add some links to these later. Tammy tried to teach me that. I'm not promising a darn thing tho.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Cool songs! There are a couple I don't know that I'll have to check out.

I can relate to the indecision...after I published my list of 7, I thought of several more and then considered doing a "Music Meme II"!!